Signing Ceremony Between Kulim Technology Park Corporation Sdn Bhd (‘KTPC’) And Nextglass Technologies Sdn Bhd (‘NGT’) At Kulim Hi-Tech Park

From Left: Zulkefli Ahmad (General Manager Sales & Marketing, KTPC), Mohd Sahil Zabidi (Group Chief Executive Officer, KTPC), Dato’ Gideon Thor (Director, NGT) and Mdm Khoo Ghaik Tee (Lawyer, NGT).

Date : 30th October 2019

Venue : KHTP Business Centre, Kulim Hi-Tech Park

Welcome to Kulim Hi-Tech Park!

NextGlass Technologies Corporation, a US smart glass manufacturer headquartered in Los Angeles, CA, has invested RM160mil to set up a new plant in Industrial Zone Phase 3, Kulim Hi-Tech Park. The 8.7 acre site is expected to be completed by Q4 2020. It will produce third-generation Polymer-Dispersed Liquid Crystals (PDLC) smart film, electrochromic Film (EC) and PCF patented film (Transparent Conductive Film), semi-finish products for the manufacturing of smart glass and related products such as Barrier Film(protective film for electronic devices). The expanding market for smart glass has applications in residential and commercial architecture, glazing in transportation vehicles such as passenger airliners, trains, and cars, as well as retail advertisement and Point-Of-Sale interfaces in the near future.

The Company’s smart glass solutions are expected to include adhesive film inside the smart glass, bullet-proofing, shatter resistance, noise reduction, ITO-coated film, PDLC-coated Film and functional glass.


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